Featured Session | Nikki Ann Photography

Today we are featuring a senior session from Nikki Schellenberg of Nikki Ann Photography located in San Antonio, TX. Here is what Nikki had to say about her session!


Please describe the session: “This session was shot in the middle of December, thankfully, being in Texas that meant 80-degree weather!! It was a gorgeous day and because we decided that we would shoot the session in a place that I have never shot before, we decided on the Hemisfair Park in downtown San Antonio. The Hemisfair park offers a variety of scenery to photography in and around the park without having to ever get in your car and drive! What made this shoot extra special was having Jacinta's older sister, mom and grandma along to offer added love and laughter during the entire shoot.”

Tell us about the gear used: “I shot this session with a Canon Mark III and a 24-70 2.8 zoom lens.”

What inspired this session? “Jacinta is an artist and is incredibly creative. I wanted to make sure that her senior photos honored who she is as an artist and individual and not separate the two. I knew the photos had to be authentic to who she is as an individual- meaning that the photos had to be unique yet conveyed a slight edgy nature. We found a few unique locations at the park and got really creative, building ideas off of one another. This is what all sessions should be like- a constant feedback loop. It was definitely a shoot to remember!”

Hair and Makeup Artist: “For this particular session, Jacinta did her own hair and makeup. Because she is an artist herself, she knows all about the particulars of contouring to bring added depth to a subject. When she asked if she could do her own hair and makeup, I was completely confident in her abilities!”

Thank you for sharing Nikki! You can see more of Nikki’s work on Facebook and Instagram!
