Featured Session | Kristi Pennington Photography

Today we are featuring Kristi Pennington Photography from Dallas/Frisco, TX. Here is what Kristi had to say about her session.


Please describe the session: “We live in a suburb so she wanted someplace different. And someplace that I hadn't taken any of my clients to before. Someplace downtown and urban, but with a laid back vibe. Enter Bishop Arts! We had a couple specific places in mind. The cactus and the old theatre were a must. But then we just kinda hit the center of Bishop arts and started exploring and following the light! The last shot was actually taken with my speed light, which I never use, but brought along just in case, and we were both so glad I did! That shot was one of our favorites!”


Tell us about the gear used: “My Canon 5d Mark IV, my Canon 85mm and my Canon 70-200mm for a few shots. I also used my Canon speed light for the last shot of the night.”


What inspired this session? “My daughter! This session is of my own daughter, which was kind of surreal and bittersweet! We had both been dreaming of it for years, but when the realization of what that meant hit me....not gonna lie....I had a few moments of a lump in my throat! As a senior photographer and a mom, I really just wanted to capture the essence of her and create a special memory together! And we did just that!”

Hair and Makeup Artist: “Rachel Jackson, owner of RDG Makeup.”


Thank you for sharing Kristi. You can see more of Kristi’s work on Facebook and Instagram.
