SSG + The Photo Editive...Take 5 Contest February Winner!

How will you take control of your life...?Education has long been Senior Style Guide's cornerstone.  This year, my goal is to shout it from the rooftops.  We want to make sure you are getting all the latest tips, tricks and educational needs met.  From our Facebook live features, the blog, the community on Facebook, Real Talk episodes on YouTube, Destinations with Brooke Daniels Photography and SSG to the PUSH Conference.  2018 is about how to get more education to you!One thing I really want to touch on this year is working smarter not harder.  I have outsourced my editing to Katie Hughes with The Photo Editive for 2 years now and I honestly can say, I will never edit my photos again.  I know the desire to maintain control of everything but just think about this for a moment...I shoot the session, come home load it into lightroom, cull, crop, export and send to Katie.  2 weeks later I have my ordering session.  How easy is that?  While she is editing I am off doing what I love which is photographing my clients.So I decided to do a collaboration in 2018 with The Photo Editive where each month you can submit 5 images from a session to them and one lucky winner will get their images edited!  It is a great way to try them out with zero risk!  Who knows, maybe you will find how easy it is to walk away from editing too!This months winner is...Michelle Cuppy!Check out her before and after images below. Katie from The Photo Editive had this to say:

"I am so excited to collaborate with Senior Style Guide for this new feature. It was an honor to have the opportunity to edit Michelle Cuppy’s images. Her images provided a wide range of style, colors and locations. The images were edited with The Full Retouch, with a few additional editing services added to the final images.
I hope you find that outsourcing your images editing will provide you the desired time you need to grow your business and spend quality time with your family. Thank you Senior Style Guide for this opportunity and Thank You Michelle for submitting your images.”
Michelle gorgeous work!
Be sure to check out Michelle's Facebook, Instagram and  website!
Are you ready to enter March's Take 5 Contest?  Enter HERE!